A to Z Parenting: How It Began

Since 2019, Anthony & Zac have been creating businesses, running live retreats, and speaking at conferences; independently, each has written millions of words and spoken for hundreds of hours on fatherhood, masculinity, health, finance, mindset, and family-focused topics.

In 2021, they had a 6-month streak of running a daily Space on X (Follow Anthony & Zac there) called #DadsDay. From that experiment, it was decided that eventually, they would create a brand where the focus was 100% on parenting.

This is that brand.

A to Z Parenting: The Philosophy

Anthony and Zac removed corporal punishment and fear from their homes way before connecting online and in person.

Independently, they’d also noticed that women and soft-spoken men dominated the space of peaceful parenting, which was interesting because neither A nor Z fits that mold.

A to Z Parenting is founded upon the method of peaceful parenting, with a philosophy that Peaceful Parents can (and should) be loud, bearded (maybe not the moms), tatted, bold, confident, and freedom-focused folks.

Anthony and Zac believe that violence has no place in the home:

  • No yelling

  • No spanking/slapping

  • No shaming/manipulation

Peaceful homes are where the greatest connection between mother and father to their child can be formed.

In a peaceful home, children can become into their strongest selves mentally and physically while also developing into the most independent person they can be. These methods are neither random nor for “weak parents” of rude children who run wild, as some have snarkily suggested.

Anthony and Zac have spoken to hundreds of parents, and those who’ve employed the approach over the years have experienced incredible growth in their relationship with their children and lower stress levels for all within the home.

A to Z Parenting: Who Is It For?


Grandparents, fathers, mothers, parents of adult children, parents of teens, parents of babies, or those who’ve yet to have children who know someday they would like to and want to “get it right” before the big day arrives.

Parenting is the only part of society that has not evolved over the decades until now.

A to Z Parenting is working to change things and get families to do things differently.

Part of that is making parenthood as much a part of the discussion and focus as politics, fitness, and finances.

A to Z Parenting is 100% supported by you, our readers. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

A to Z Parenting: A Thank You to You From Us

Anthony and Zac would like to thank you for making it this far in our “About” page and ask that if this is something you’re interested in, you consider subscribing and sharing the word with others.

Once we get mothers and fathers changing their parenting approach, we will see families improving across the globe.

Your children are growing up with our children, so the aim is for each of us parents to work together to give our children the best world in which they can grow up.

Subscribe to A to Z Parenting

Anthony and Zac are exploring the A to Z of Parenting. Each week, you can expect insightful articles and engaging podcasts filled with practical tips, heartfelt stories, and expert advice to help you cultivate a harmonious home.


Anthony and Zac are exploring the A to Z of Parenting. Each week, you can expect insightful articles and engaging podcasts filled with practical tips, heartfelt stories, and expert advice to help you cultivate a harmonious home.