As a father, I can tell you that nothing is more rewarding than finding joy in the little moments that happen every day, the ones you might miss if you’re not paying attention.
Parenting isn’t all about big milestones and picture-perfect moments; it happens in quiet exchanges and everyday struggles. If you’re caught up in trying to control every situation or fix every problem, you’ll miss out on what matters most: the deep connection with your kids that leads to growth, learning, and trust.
For me, this has meant shifting the focus away from being the authority who’s always correcting, lecturing, or trying to shape my kids into the person I think they should be. Instead, I’ve learned to focus on connection.
The way I parent isn’t about letting everything slide or being a pushover. It’s about being present and guiding them through challenges in a way that builds mutual trust and respect rather than fear and control. It’s about finding joy in the messiness of life and letting your kids experience it, knowing that you’re there to support them, not shielding them from every scrape or failure.
Watching my kids face challenges has brought me joy over the years. The tough moments when they stumble, fall, and get back up are the moments I truly cherish.
It’s hard not to jump in and fix everything, but kids need to face those challenges on their own to gain independence and confidence. I’ve been tempted many times to lay down the “this is how it should be” speech, but instead, I’ve found more joy in just listening and watching them work through an issue. It feels good to see them figure things out and trust themselves to handle things when life throws obstacles in their way.
Peaceful parenting also created an environment where my kids enjoyed being part of the family.
Instead of worrying about the next punishment or feeling like they had to tiptoe around the house to avoid conflict, my kids felt comfortable with the freedom of expressing themselves. They know that when they face something difficult, whether it’s a friendship problem or school struggle, they’ve got a father who’ll listen, not judge.
That connection is real and can not be faked.
The joy I get when they ask for my advice or when they are honest enough to share important things about their lives is when I know I’m doing something right.
Cooperation is another big win. We’re in this together, not me telling them what to do and them following commands. We work together, tackling problems as a team. There’s something special about getting on the same level with them and making decisions together when they realize that I’m not just the guy who hands down orders but the one who partners with them in making things happen. They know they’re trusted, which works both ways.
Peaceful parenting isn’t always easy.
There have been many days when frustration gets the best of me. But it’s not about being perfect. When I step back and let peace and calm flow in, I notice that the everyday moments become my rewards. The simple “thanks, dad” builds up and fills my heart in ways that words can’t explain.
Parenting, like anything worthwhile, is hard work.
It requires patience, understanding, and self-control. However, when I prioritize connection over fear and give my kids the space to grow and learn at their own pace, I am filled with joy in my home. I am proud when they show kindness, tackle a problem independently, or come to me with a question not out of fear but because they trust I’ll help them.
Parenting can feel like a nonstop grind, and some days, it feels like you’re barely keeping it together.
But trust me, joy doesn’t always come in big, dramatic moments. It comes from small, everyday interactions—the laughs, the quiet moments of connection, or simply being there for your child when they need you most. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure, take a step back. Choose to be present, even if it’s just for a moment.
Your kids don’t need perfection; they need you.
When you prioritize that connection over everything else, joy will follow because that bond is the strongest in the world.
- Anthony
Fatherhood & Motherhood Are The Apex of Life
When you bring another life into the world, you experience a lifetime of higher highs and lower lows; you feel more of what it means to be alive and human.
My children are 15 and 12, and Anthony’s are young adults.
I am experiencing mine navigating high school and middle school, and I’m watching Anthony and his wife celebrate the arrival of their granddaughter.
My happiness and joy stem from my relationship with my kids, and I know that I will continue that experience in the future because I witness it daily from my friend.
Contrary to some I’ve encountered over the years, I neither fear growing older nor am I concerned about the future.
I have the most beautiful children in my life. They light up my world, motivate me to fight for a better tomorrow, and inspire me to trust that they can make it independently, regardless of economic uncertainty or global outlook.
My children will win because good always wins in the end.
That optimism for the future is another joy I experience because of the opportunities fatherhood has given me to see what the world looks like when raised in a peaceful home. I was raised in a house with corporal punishment, and I always told myself I would not continue that.
As a kid, the vision brought me joy, but with anything, you don’t know how it will work until you experience it. Sometimes, things sound cool, but they’re far less enjoyable than you may have originally thought.
Peaceful Parenting did not disappoint, and it won’t for you either.
My life is better, and my home is more connected than ever. Because I did not grow up like this, all I had were made-up thought experiments and scenarios, but after becoming a father, I realized I missed the heights to which this could all be brought to.
I’m happier than I ever thought a person could be.
At 37, after being with the same woman for 21 years, married for 17 of them, and raising our teenager and preteen together, I am more fired up for my future than ever before. Although I have had the same people around me for decades, I am still in a position where everything feels new.
Marriage is fresh; we are still happy to be together like two new lovers.
The relationship with my son is strong and evolving to something greater.
The bond with my daughter is tight and getting even more integrated as she grows up.
Children are the gift that keeps on giving for your entire life. Give yourself the gift of connection and peace; your joy will increase daily.
Take care of your “future self” by dropping the violence and grudges today.
- Zac