Welcome to 2025, the year where A-Z Parenting is helping transform how we think about discipline and parenting one letter at a time.
Before I dive into the pitch to get you to subscribe today so you can say that you’ve been on the path to better parenting all year, let me start with a story that might sound familiar.
Last week, I watched a mother at the grocery store dealing with her toddler's meltdown. As her child screamed about wanting candy, other shoppers scowled and lifted their noses, with a facial expression saying, “Why don’t you discipline that child?”
The mother, trying to stay calm, got down to her child's level and acknowledged his feelings, and spoke to him about why candy now would take away from the candy later at the party they were going to.
An elderly gentleman walked by and muttered, “That's what's wrong with kids today…”
Here's what that gentleman and many others get wrong:
Peaceful parenting isn't permissive parenting. It isn't letting your kids run wild or giving in to their every demand. It's harder and requires more discipline from us as parents than traditional punitive approaches.
That child realized screaming would not get him what he wanted and that his mother would not be swayed by his demands. Instead, he learned that there would be candy later, and his mom was looking out for him.
To “Discipline” is to “Teach.”
Getting eye-to-eye and speaking taught that boy something a spanking never could.
I want parents to make 2025 and beyond the year parenthood get the same prioritization in “New Year’s Resolutions” as people’s finances and fitness do.
Everyone is prepared to get healthier and wealthier, so why not include your children in that dedication to “better”?
Being a mother or father is the greatest role you will ever play in another person's life; commit to becoming good at it.
This is why Anthony and I have launched A-Z Parenting.
Each week, we'll explore one essential aspect of peaceful parenting from A to Z:
A is for Attention
B is for Boundaries
C is for Consistency
...and so on.
Two other articles will also be published over the week, one covering a hot topic and the other a weekly podcast in which we answer paid subscribers' questions and discuss our parenting experiences or observations.
What makes A-Z Parenting different?
We're two fathers who have been writing and living this lifestyle for decades; our families are proof of this.
We’re not just throwing theory at you, and we’re not LARPing a lifestyle to increase our sales and become “Influencer Bros”; we’re family men who’ve both found our way to making this our mission.
Each issue offers two unique perspectives: We do not see each other’s writings until publication, so what you see is our two unique views of:
Real-life scenarios and solutions
Science-backed as well as anecdotal strategies that can be implemented immediately
Truth-focused information is designed to better connect you to your child rather than achieving blind compliance from them, which is the popular target for many parenting creators.
A community of parents sharing their journeys (Paid Subscribers can comment on posts and ask us questions which we’ll answer. Founding Members get to join our VIP group with lifetime access for a one-time payment)
Peaceful parenting involves raising children who follow their parents' guidelines not out of fear but out of understanding. It involves developing their internal compass rather than relying on external control.
To all who subscribe, we will build a new understanding of discipline that strengthens relationships instead of straining them.
- Anthony & Zac